Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Catch Up!

Ok so lets play catch up. Graydon is growing and changing so much each and every day. He is finally walking and when it is diaper changing time, running! I have been working with his signing and the other day he signed a full sentence. It was, "I eat more". Daddy and I were very excited. He has learned to blow kisses and say "I love you", actually it sounds more like "I dub you". Graydon has found his feet and loves to try to put his shoes on them. Being a big helper, Graydon likes to throw stuff in the trash which is great unless it is something usefull like the phone, sippy cups, and binkies. Oh and his new favorite thing to do is a game called "Lets put mommy's shoes in the potty!". Let me tell you, this was not a one time occurance! Well I will try to get some pics of Bubba doing some of these things and post them for all to share. Love ya

1 comment:

Kara said...

cute cute! I hope to see more pics of the handsome man soon!